Jacob Holdt takes a trip to the US and takes some photos of racism in the ghetto's in Denmark and in the States.
Jacop Holdt thinks, that in Denmark the goverment is more racist than in USA.
Because in 1950 and 60 USA the American politicians said, the black people don´t have any right's, and in Denmark there wasen't any black people at this time, but today we have "Dansk Folkeparti"
DF dosen't like People with a different nationality and especially muslims, who come and live in Denmark.
Jacob Holdt is a photograph, who takes pictures of racism in the ghetto's and make's exhibition's about racism
Jacob Holdt joins the KKK, so he can see, what they are doing in the KKK, and because he wants to take some photo's of that culture.
Who become members of groups like the KKK according to Jacob Holdt? Do you agree?
- People that hunger for love and never got it, and who have felt failure. Everyone that shows kindness is welcome in the klan. we don't think Jacob Holdt is right about it, we think that the people, who are members of KKK, have a psychical condition. Maybe they had a tough childhood, since they can hate a group of people so much.
Why does Jacob Holdt become a member of the KKK?
- Jacob couldn't see any problems with his membership in KKK. He wanted to prove that we are just as racist in Denmark. The Danish politicians and media brainwashes us to be racist according to Jacob.
Comment on the headline of the article
- We do not agree in what Jacob says, we think that Denmark is racist, especially after Pia Kjærsgaard has become so popular in Denmark, but we are not as racist as USA.
Do you see racism as a big problem in the Danish society?
- Racism in Denmark has been a bigger problem, not because of the skin tone but because we have a lot of prejudice towards muslims. Because of their burqas and headscarves for instence. Also because of that many foreign workers are taking jobs from a lot of Danes,
because they are satisfied with a lower salary, than Danes are.